00:15weekend farming life
00:45news check 11
01:25news commentary
01:35the mark of beauty
02:05my gardening
02:30vegetable gardening
02:55my gardening green style
03:00afternoon live
03:55mini program
04:00with mother
04:24kid\u0027s discovery
04:39chatty jay\u0027s sundry shop
04:49go! go! cook r\u0027n
04:59world weather
05:00news: good morning, japan
07:00drama serial hiyokko 第6集
07:15news in depth
08:30nhk special
09:20nhk special
10:10nhk special 5min.
10:15historical anecdote
10:58world weather
11:15law and laughter
11:40world music album
11:45drama serial hiyokko 第6集
12:05historical drama naotora: the lady warlord 第13集
12:50nippon professional baseball: seibu lions vs fukuoka softbank hawks at seibu dome
16:15riddles on mobile
17:05nosy\u0027s inspiring atelier mini
17:25with father
17:54nhk special 5min.
17:59world weather
18:00nhk news 7
18:30strolling with tamori
19:15saturday drama the bodyguards (new) 第1集
19:45news \u0026 weather
20:00nhk special
20:49world weather
20:50bar in the world
21:20bananazero music
21:55news \u0026 weather
22:00business front line
22:49world weather
22:52mini program
22:55drama serial hiyokko digest (new)
23:00news \u0026 weather
23:05riddles on mobile (final)
23:50saturday sports news
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